Solar park Koningspleij - Arnhem

Contribution to energy transition


8 MWp


12,000 MWh per year

CO2 reduction

7,500 tonnes per year


Koningspleij solar farm contributes to sustainability ambitions of Arnhem municipality

The municipality of Arnhem has far-reaching ambitions to make the city more sustainable with wind turbines, solar panels on roofs and solar parks. One of the first projects developed along these lines is Zonnepark Koningspleij.

The solar park is sandwiched between the Kleefse Waard Industrial Park (IPKW), the Pleijroute (N325) and the New Harbour.

Power has been supplied to the grid since February 2022. In June 2022, the complete park was completed.

Solar park Koningspleij was built with a large reduction in nitrogen. This was done in part by using electric equipment instead of fossil-fuel-powered machinery.