solar panels on blokland coldstore roof


Service & maintenance


Maximum Return Thanks to Permanent Monitoring

Monitoring and alerting

At ProfiNRG we believe in peace of mind for our customers. That is why we cover monitoring and alarms for the first 2 years after the installation of your solar power system with our standard warranty. However, you can extend this protection by concluding a maintenance contract for monitoring and alarms with ProfiNRG after this period.

Our automated system continuously monitors the performance and availability of your solar power system. We also check your yield, based on local solar radiation and data from nearby KNMI weather stations.

With an installation from ProfiNRG you can be assured of a carefree and long-term return. We also provide reliable internet connections via our own 4G routers for monitoring and alarms.

During working days, you receive:

  • Read-outs and diagnosis of data and messages, defects or incidents, at converter and/or string level.
  • Analysis of system performance
  • Management of all reports that may lead to follow-up actions (such as reports from you as the owner, error messages and defects, but also observed loss of yield).
  • Management of follow-up actions in our service planning system, followed by informing you as the owner and rapid interventions by our technical teams
  • Online access to our monitoring system for you and GSP, including a fully transparent view of all important performance indicators (availability, technical, yield, irradiation, yield versus irradiation = performance ratio).

For monitoring and alarming, we provide a reliable internet connection via our own 4G routers - independently of the owner's network.

Links / downloads


Need service, or questions about monitoring?

Call us at 030-341 0992 or e-mail