Contribution to energy transition


860 solar panels


290 kWp

CO2 reduction

101200 kg CO2 savings


Andijk garden centre

The choice of ZwartGroen for ProfiNRG

'Price, quality and story were the deciding factors'

"The roof of our premises was full of asbestos until a few years ago. A costly remediation was coming, I knew. To make that intervention profitable, I was looking for a combination of new roofing sheets and solar panels. I also wanted to give more substance to the word 'green' in our company name, and solar panels fit in perfectly with that objective. In addition, we are making our product range sustainable step by step.

Naturally, I approached several parties and pretty soon ProfiNRG emerged as the best provider. Price, quality and story were the deciding factors. I found ProfiNRG's specialist advice very valuable. That gave me a lot of confidence as a customer.

The system has been running fully satisfactorily since May 2020. With the 860 panels, we generate 220,000 kWh, of which we consume 30 kWh ourselves. The remaining 190,000 kWh flow back to the grid. With a project like this, things sometimes go wrong. For instance, we had two inverters that were making too much noise. ProfiNRG responded well to our complaint about this and immediately set to work on a solution. I really liked that, so I can put all my energy into our business."

Edwin Winter, owner ZwartGroen supplier of agri- and garden products