The go-to specialist for large-scale
duurzame energie oplossingen

From subsidy application and design to service and maintenance

Your partner in solar energy and energy storage

Accelerating the energy transition

We share your pursuit of a sustainable future by accelerating the energy transition. Our focus is on innovation, collaboration and knowledge sharing.We are convinced that the combination of solar energy installations and (hydrogen) storage systems is an essential contribution to a CO2-neutral energy supply

Leading builder

ProfiNRG is a bankable and leading builder of large-scale solar energy installations from 500kWp upwards in the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. With 12 years of experience under our belt, extensive technical knowledge and more than 2,000 successfully completed projects, we can guarantee quality and and reliability.Together with our technical partners and suppliers, we offer you the highest return on your investment and the most innovative technologies.

Your partner from A to Z

If you choose a ProfiNRG solar power system, we will take care of the entire process for you, from applying for design and planning to installation and aftercare. Our experienced engineers and project managers stay involved, even after the system has been installed. Our Service & Maintenance department is ready to ensure that your installation continues to function optimally and achieves the highest possible efficiency.


A challenging project

A challenging project

Met de overstap van fossiele- naar hernieuwbare stroom hebben we er een nieuwe uitdaging bij: onbalans op het net (netcongestie). Hoe zorgen we dat een overschot aan stroom ingezet kan worden bij tekorten? In Zonnepark Zuidbroek zetten wij de eerste stappen om dit probleem op te lossen. Zomer 2023 zijn wij gestart met het plaatsen van een energy storage system of no less than 20MWh Dit is het equivalent van zo’n 270 standaard Model 3 Tesla’s. Het systeem slaat het elektriciteitsoverschot op, zodat we dit kunnen gebruiken wanneer er vraag naar energie is. Een mooi project, waar we trots op zijn! Meer weten over de battery storage can do for you?
Phone 030 265 85 12 or send an e-mail to

Solar Park Zuidbroek: responding to the near future by the use of battery storage

Want to know more?

Request a quote

A significant investment such as installing sustainable solar power systems requires certainty. This can be found by making use of ProfiNRG's specialised knowledge and years of experience.

Request a quote immediately or let us take care of your subsidy application.

Keeping up-to-date

Stay informed of the latest developments

We regularly publish about our projects, but also about sustainability and the energy transition in general.

solarsolutions 2025

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