Holland Solar presents code of conduct on solar on rooftops

As a member of Holland Solar, ProfiNRG is working with the other members to further professionalize the industry, including by ensuring quality and safety. Recently, the "code of conduct on solar on large roofs" was presented! Thus, a structured transparent working method is implemented from the following guiding principles: quality and safety, short- and long-term, honest and transparent.

Holland Solar presents 'code of conduct solar on large roofs': "Solar energy will be the largest energy source in our future energy system. Many solar panels are being installed on roofs of large buildings. With the 'solar code of conduct on large roofs', we as Holland Solar want to provide clarity to roof owners and other stakeholders on how to install a good and safe solar power system. Just like the solar code of conduct on land, this code of conduct is intended to set the standard in the market, but for the installation of solar power systems on large roofs," said Peter Molengraaf, Chairman of Holland Solar, the trade association of the Dutch solar energy sector.

First copy presented to the State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Change

On Thursday, November 25, 2021, the first copy of the "Code of Conduct on Solar on Large Rooftops" was presented to the State Secretary of Economic Affairs and Climate: Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius: "As far as I'm concerned, this is a great example of how a sector can take responsibility itself to take quality and safety to a higher level. I hope this code of conduct will become the standard in the development of large-scale solar roofs in the Netherlands." Following this, a copy of the Code of Conduct was also presented to the organizations that formally support the Code of Conduct and actively participated in its creation. The 12 supporting organisations were represented by Remco van der Linden, Director of Technology and Market at Techniek Nederland, Geeke Feiter, Director of Claims at the Dutch Association of Insurers, and Willemjan Muysson Program Manager for Safe Energy Transition at Brandweer Nederland.

Energy Transition

"With solar on large roofs, we can sustainably meet a large part of the demand for energy in the Netherlands" explains Wijnand van Hooff, General Director of Holland Solar. "Those who adhere to this code of conduct develop a safe and quality solar roof. The code of conduct stands for a careful development and realisation process, as well as a professional operation of a solar system. This is the only way to achieve a high-quality, safe and transparent product. Assurances thus created contribute in part to the financeability and insurability of large-scale solar roofs. This will strengthen and accelerate the energy transition."

Quality and safety

With the code of conduct Sun on large roofs, Holland Solar makes clear what requirements you can set for the installation of a solar system of more than 140 panels on a large roof. Van Hooff says, "If a solar power system on a large roof is developed, realized and operated according to the guidelines as included in the code of conduct, it has quality and is therefore guaranteed to be safe."


The Code of Conduct follows three basic principles. First of all, quality and safety. Second, short term and long term. And finally, honest and transparent. Van Hooff explains: "From this basis, the members of Holland Solar are making a number of concrete commitments. First, they are working on a structured development process involving insurance advisor, fire department, funders and other stakeholders. BrandweerNL's Handreiking Safe PV Systems is used as a tool for this purpose. During the realization of the solar power system, a safe working environment is provided, skilled people are used, delivery is fully documented, and the system is inspected in accordance with the requirements of SCIOS Scope 12. In the operating phase that follows, signatories will ensure a proper monitoring and maintenance plan. Periodic inspections contribute to a safe solar power system also in the long term.

Supporting parties

The Code of Conduct is supported by a large number of representative organizations. "They actively participated in the drafting of this code of conduct, so all aspects were considered and assessed from multiple perspectives," Van Hooff said. The supporting organizations are: Verbond van Verzekeraars, Techniek Nederland, Brandweer Nederland, the Nederlandse Isolatie Industrie (NII), Kennisinstituut bouw- en installatietechniek ISSO, the Nederlands Vastgoedexploitatie Platform (NEVAP), the industry association of independent financial advisors (Adfiz), the Mineral Wool Association Benelux (MWA) , the Coöperatieve Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs U.A. (VNAB), the trade association for bituminous and plastic roofing companies (VEBIDAK), the Zoncoalitie and the Association of Institutional Investors in Real Estate, the Netherlands (IVBN).

Read the complete code of conduct here.

Jan. 20, 2022 An animation video was also published by HollandSolar

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