Hulshof brothers, owners solar farm Lievelde

Solutions for the agricultural sector

Take back conrol of your own energy

Your own solar field

Do you have space amongst your buildings or on vacant land? Solar fields broaden the economic base and future sustainability of agricultural companies. More and more provinces and local authorities are allowing agricultural companies to install solar panels within or adjacent to their agricultural buildings in small-scale field setups.

Agri Solar ensures double use of your valuable land

More and more farmers are discovering the importance of green energy, but do not want to give up fertile land for it. That is why we believe that Agri Solar has the future. We install vertical solar panels on your land to provide dual use. You can still graze livestock there, but growing crops between the panels is also possible.

Agri PV: vertical mounting of bifacial panels

Verticale zonnepanelen hebben verschillende voordelen ten opzichte van traditioneel geïnstalleerde zonnepanelen.  Bifaciale modules vereisen een aanzienlijk grotere rijafstand om onderlinge schaduw te voorkomen. Dit leidt aan de ene kant tot een lagere grondbenutting (vermogensdichtheid per hectare). Aan de andere kant zorgt de grotere rijafstand er juist voor dat het land bruikbaar blijft voor landbouw. Landbouwmachines kunnen gewoon tussen de panelen doorrijden en ook voor vee is er voldoende ruimte. 

Read here. het hele artikel over Agri-solar.


Would you like to become more sustainable with a solar power system?

Interested in a solar farm agro?

Please contact our sales department at
via 030 265 85 12 or e-mail
We will be happy to advise you about smart solutions.
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The importance of solar parks

Europe wants to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Energy Agreement sets a target of 16% of renewable energy production in the Netherlands by 2023. To meet these targets, the central government encourages the development of renewable energy. Solar energy is key to achieving the targets. Solar on roofs alone is unfortunately insufficient for this. So solar parks are needed.  

Land in the Netherlands is scarce and valuable. We believe we should therefore handle the use of this land intelligently. We therefore prefer to develop solar parks on contaminated, industrial or infrastructure land. However, we also realise that without the use of agricultural land, the objectives of the energy transition will not be met. Agricultural land is therefore badly needed. 

ProfiNRG designs exactly the installation you need and handles the complete process from design and planning to installation and aftercare for your solar farm.