Want to know more about ProfiNRG?

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Stone Base and H. Swanenberg from 's-Hertogenbosch sustainable with PV system from ProfiNRG

Aerial view of solar panels at Stone Base and Swanenberg
Stone Base and H. Swanenberg from 's-Hertogenbosch preserves 6

Stone Base and Handelsonderneming H. Swanenberg B.V., based in 's-Hertogenbosch, are a wholesaler specialising in paving materials, indoor flooring, gravel, grit and road salt. They also provide water-related storage and transhipment of bulk materials and general cargo.

As sustainability is a top priority for this organisation, ProfiNRG was allowed to install 3,118 455WP solar panels at their storage site in Raamsdonksveer and connect them to 10 Huawei FusionSolar 100-KTL inverters. A further 1,145 panels will be installed on a new shed at the beginning of next year.

Stone Base and Swanenberg 2
Stone Base and H. Swanenberg from 's-Hertogenbosch preserves 7

Also at a second storage location in Raamsdonkveer, we were allowed to connect 1,430 solar panels to 5 Huawei 100-KTL inverters. So, with an annual yield totalling some 2.2 GWh, this organisation is definitely ready for a sustainable future!

Also interested in making your premises sustainable? Call 030-265 85 12 for more information or mail to info@profinrg.nl for a tailor-made quote.
