Stone Base and H. Swanenberg of 's-Hertogenbosch preserves

Stone Base and H. Swanenberg from 's-Hertogenbosch sustainable with PV system from ProfiNRG Stone Base and Handelsonderneming H. Swanenberg B.V., based in 's-Hertogenbosch, are a wholesaler specialising in paving materials, indoor flooring, gravel, grit and road salt. They also provide water-bound storage and transhipment of bulk materials and general cargo. As sustainability is of paramount importance to this [...]
ProfiNRG starts 3 projects in Enschede

ProfiNRG starts 3 projects in Enschede For energy cooperative Enschede Energie | om, ProfiNRG has recently started 3 projects in Enschede: At project Kromhofsweg (1.14MW), the first 1TP5 inverters and # solar panels have already been installed. At project Roodmolen (5MW) we recently started with the AC cables and ramming the poles. At project Elsmoat (3.94MW), we have started laying the [...]
Delivered: Roofing project Werkhoven

Upholstered: Agricultural project Werkhoven At this fruit farm in Werkhoven, ProfiNRG recently completed a PV installation of 579 kWp. A total of 1,413 410Wp solar panels were installed and connected to 10 Huawei FusionSolar 40-KTL-M3 inverters. The system has now also received a Scope 12 approval. Also solar panels on your roof or ground? Call 030-265 85 12 for free advice or [...]
Solar farm De Zonne Akkers

Zonnepark De Zonne Akkers Contribution to energy transition Capacity 6,928 solar panels Production 2.2 MWp CO2 reduction 80,000 kg per year Highlighted Ecological horticultural project The land between and around the solar panels will be used for an organic horticultural project. Jaap Keuning, initiator and chairman of Stichting Innovatief Zonne-energiepark Meeden, on the solar park: 'The project not only provides [...]
Cable Pooling Solar Park Langstraat Zon commissioned

Cable Pooling Solar farm Langstraat Zon commissioned After a 9-month development and test period, Eneco has agreed to commission the medium-voltage power control system at LangstraatZon in Waalwijk. The solar farm is built on an old landfill and uses the grid connection of an Eneco wind farm. The power control is set to [...]
Solar farm IJsselmeerdijk - Lelystad

Contribution to energy transition Capacity 22,352 solar panels Production 9.6 MWp CO2 reduction 5800 tonnes CO2 savings Highlighted Solar park IJsselmeerdijk - Lelystad The project site totals around 10 hectares. Of this, over 5 hectares is available for the solar park. The special feature of this project site is that it is a strip 2.4 kilometres long. A park of [...]
A great example of collaboration with our customer solar roof

ProfiNRG was able to supply the materials and assisted with the design of the plant. Last autumn 2019, the work was completed and it is working satisfactorily.
Solar panels company roof Vianen

On the roof of Miele in Vianen, we recently installed a 1.38 MWp PV system. At the beginning of March, the 9 pieces of 100KTL inverters with arc eye detection were switched on and the 3692 solar panels of 375WP can run at full speed.
Netherlands goes green

Netherlands goes green
"That means working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly further until we reach zero by 2050.