Manage your own energy supply
Discover the power of energy storage
Large-scale battery systems allow energy to be stored until you need it, even when it comes from renewable sources. These batteries contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from traditional energy sources such as coal and gas power stations. Battery systems therefore form a sustainable energy solution that plays a crucial role in the energy transition.
ProfiNRG is ready to optimise your energy management with high-quality battery systems, solar panels and energy management systems. Let us help you achieve your energy goals and reduce your carbon footprint!
The safety guidelines PGS 37-1 and PGS 37-2 apply to lithium batteries and accumulators. ProfiNRG meets both requirements.
Net congestion troubleshooting behind the meter
- Optimisation
Door slim gebruik te maken van energie binnen uw bedrijf, kunt u extra ruimte creëren op uw bestaande aansluiting. Dit omvat het verminderen van piekverbruik en het spreiden van elektriciteitsverbruik. Denk aan het aanpassen van processen of het slim laden van elektrische voertuigen. - Generation and storage
Naast het optimaliseren van uw energieverbruik, is het ook zinvol om te kijken naar mogelijkheden aan de opwekkingskant. Overweeg het toevoegen van energieopslag om pieken af te vlakken en uw duurzaam opgewekte energie op een ander moment van de dag (wanneer de stroomprijs hoger is) terug te leveren, of te gebruiken. - Sharing green energy
Consider sharing sustainably generated energy with neighbouring neighbourhoods or businesses. This can help reduce the load on the power grid.
A battery can benefit in several ways. To maximise the return from a battery investment, different revenue models are combined.
- Energy trade
- Congestion market
- Balancing market
- Capacity shortage of your grid connection
Beslismomenten inzetten batterijopslag
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Optimise your energy management with our modular solution!
ProfiNRG offers modular and scalable battery systems ranging from 200 kWh to more than 200 MWh. These battery systems are linked to a generator that gets the maximum value out of the batteries through capacity management and balancing.
Power Conversion Systems
Energy Management System
Choose the future of energy management with ProfiNRG and maximise your energy efficiency with our advanced solutions!
Uw Partner in grootschalige batterijopslag
Are you looking for a reliable and expert partner for your large-scale battery storage project? There is no need to look any further as ProfiNRG is ready for you. Our experts are there to design a solution that perfectly suits your specific situation and budget. With our extensive network of partners and suppliers, we can offer you access to the best quality and the most innovative technologies.
What can you expect from us?
- Extensive project experience: With years of experience in the sector, we have completed numerous successful projects, so we know how to make your project a success.
- Knowledge of the regulations: We are aware of all regulations and standards that apply to battery storage and ensure that your project meets all requirements.
- Understanding of the technical and operational aspects: Our experts understand the technical and operational aspects of battery storage in every detail, allowing us to offer you the best possible solution.
Choose ProfiNRG and let us help you make your battery storage project a success. Together we can work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Hoe energy storage werkt
There are several parties you can contract to control your battery. These parties (aggregators) play an important role in the energy market by optimising the deployment of distributed energy sources (wind/solar/batteries). Aggregators provide flexibility services to the grid on both the demand and supply side. They aggregate renewable energy sources and function as a virtual power plant. Aggregators help better integrate renewable energy sources by providing supply and demand energy and energy storage units that meet the requirements of grid operators and TenneT. Aggregators fulfil an essential task by optimising and balancing the grid. They act as a necessary link between energy sources and a large number of consumers
What does an aggregator do exactly?
- Bundling sustainable energy sources: Aggregators bring together sustainable energy sources and ensure their efficient use.
- Functioning as a virtual power plant: They act as a virtual power plant, coordinating power production and supply.
- Improving the integration of renewable energy: Aggregators contribute to better integration of renewable energy sources by balancing supply and demand and managing energy storage systems according to the requirements of grid operators and TenneT.
Choose ProfiNRG and benefit from the expertise of our aggregators to optimise your energy storage. Together we can work on a smarter, more sustainable energy system.
Want to know more about the various revenue models and how batteries can deliver financial returns?