Solar panels on weak roofs

Zonnepanelen op zwakke daken, nu ook met sde subsidie Veel grote platte daken van met name distributiecentra, koelhuizen en logistieke hallen zijn niet berekend op de installatie van zonnepanelen. Om toch zonnepanelen te kunnen plaatsen zijn aanvullende maatregelen nodig, zoals verzwaring van de bouwconstructie (dakversterking), mechanische bevestiging van de zonnepanelen aan de onderconstructie of speciale […]
Eindadvies basisbedragen SDE++ 2024

Eindadvies basisbedragen SDE++ 2024 Basisbedragen voor zonnepanelen tot 14% omlaag Demissionair minister Jetten heeft van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) het advies ontvangen om voor de SDE++ 2024 de basisbedragen voor zonnepanelen tot 14 procent procent te verlagen. Voor de SDE++ 2023 werden de subsidiebedragen juist verhoogd vanwege de gestegen kosten. De grootste verlaging […]
SDE++ 2024: €11.5 billion subsidy

The budget for subsidy scheme SDE++ 2024 has been increased to €11.5 billion. The scheme opens 10 September and allocates extra money for solar panels on weak roofs and nature-inclusive solar parks for the first time. The now outgoing minister Jetten reported as recently as last May that 8 [...] billion euros will be available through the Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition (SDE++) in 2024 [...]
Overbetuwe solar farm

Overbetuwe Solar park Contribution to energy transition Capacity 86 MWp Production 80,000 MWh per year CO2 reduction 48,000 tonnes per year Highlighted Overbetuwe Solar park our most impressive project to date The project site totals around 80 hectares. Of this, about 60 hectares is available for the solar park. The site is sandwiched between A15 and Betuweroute. The [...]
Share of renewable energy grew to 17 per cent

Share of renewable energy grew to 17 per cent By 2023, 17 per cent of the energy used was from renewable sources, and the share of renewable electricity rose to around 50 per cent. Biomass and wind turbines provided the largest share of energy, followed by a growing share of solar power. This is according to the annual figures of The past [...]
Solar park Cothen

Solar park Cothen Contribution to energy transition Capacity 14 MWp Production 11,000 MWh per year CO2 reduction 8,000 tonnes per year Highlighted Pear orchard makes important contribution to climate neutral 2030 ambition Wijk bij Duurstede This former pear orchard will from now on make an important contribution to the ambition Wijk bij Duurstede climate neutral 2030. In autumn 2021 [...]
Solar park Koningspleij - Arnhem

Solar park Koningspleij - Arnhem
Sun on greenhouse Luttelgeest

Contribution to energy transition Capacity 20,000 solar panels Production 8.2 MWp capacity CO2 reduction 2,884,200 kg CO2 savings Highlighted Back to project overview Solar energy is the most popular source of renewable energy among Dutch greenhouse farmers. However, mass installation of solar panels on greenhouses is not yet a reality. 'It is therefore new and there are many complicating [...]
SDE++ 2023 final amounts known

SDE++ 2023 final amounts known The final amounts for Solar PV for the Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition Incentive Scheme (SDE++) 2023 have been published. The subsidy scheme opens 5 September and closes 5 October. This year, we see a break in the trend and the maximum amounts have increased compared to previous years. The amounts are the same per phase, but [...]
Southbroek solar farm

ProfiNRG designed, built and commissioned Zonnepark Zuidbroek (50MW) in 1 year. Of course, we are quite proud of that! That is why the above video was made in which our colleague Jesper van Beek takes you on a tour of this wonderful project. We also recently started the 21.6 MWH battery project at the solar park. About that soon [...]